BunnyCDN Review, Comparison & Setup Guide for WordPress

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I’m a big fan of Cloudflare. But, I use BunnyCDN in all my WordPress sites. It can provide better optimizations and features than Cloudflare free plan.

Here is the detailed guide about BunnyCDN, its review, comparison, and how to set it up on your WordPress site.

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bunnycdn dashboard
BunnyCDN Dashboard

Key features

  • Only the fly image optimization
  • Resize image based on user
  • Minify CSS and JavaScript
  • WebP Support
  • Video delivery
  • HTTP/2
  • Brotli & GZip
  • Override expire headers
  • Bandwidth overdraft protection
  • Cache query strings
  • Instant purging files or entire zones
  • Cloud storage

Bunny Optimizer – The differentiator

BunnyCDN comes with built-in optimization for Images, CSS and JavaScript.

Images can be converted to WebP, compressed and resized based on the device (mobile/desktop) on the fly. This is something most CDN providers doesn’t provide.

bunny optimizer


Their pricing is as follows:

bunnycdn pricing

Suppose you’re currently serving around 50 GB of bandwidth per month, and most traffic is from America, it will cost 50 x 0.01 = $0.5 per month. That’s pretty cheap, right?

There is also a minimum recharge of $10 per year. Image optimization costs extra at $9.50 per month.

BunnyCDN vs KeyCDN vs Cloudflare

BunnyCDN, KeyCDN and Cloudflare are some of the top CDN providers for WordPress.

No. of servers35+35+155+
Average response time43.67 ms50.12 ms42.88 ms
Support dynamic WebP deliveryYesYesNo
On the fly image compression,
resizing & WebP conversion
Yes ($9.5/month)NoYes ($20/month)
Cookie-free domainYesYesNo

If you look at the pricing and features, without a doubt BunnyCDN is a winner!

Note that Cloudflare doesn’t provide any sort of image optimization in the free plan. Even if you generate WebP images in the server, Cloudflare can’t deliver them conditionally. Image optimization is crucial since it weighs 80% of your total web page size.


cloudflare vs keycdn vs bunnycdn performance
Source: CDNPerf

Data Centers

Number of Data Centers != High Performance

It may feel like Cloudflare will have the best performance since it has 155+ data centres. But in reality, you need very high traffic to cache all the files in all the data centres.

Suppose your website has 100 images. In Cloudflare, it takes 155 x 100 = 15,500 requests to cache these files in all their data centres. However in the case of BunnyCDN it’s only 35 x 100 = 3,500 requests.

This is also referred to as a cache hit ratio. For me, the cache hit ratio in Cloudflare is around 50-60%. While that of in BunnyCDN, it’s around 70-90%.

How to Setup BunnyCDN in WordPress

Setting up BunnyCDN in WordPress is pretty easy.

Create Pull Zone in BunnyCDN

Create an account in BunnyCDN and create a new Pull Zone. A ‘Pull Zone’ tells BunnyCDN from where to pull the content/files (i.e. your website)

add pull zone

Once setup is done, you’ll get something like this:

pull zone

The ‘hostname’ is the only one we want.

By default, you’ll get a hostname like something.b-cdn.net. But you can connect your own subdomain like cdn.your-site.com by adding CNAME to DNS settings.

Configure CDN in WordPress

If you’re using a cache plugin like FlyingPress, then go to its CDN settings and enter the above CDN URL.

If you’re not using any cache plugin, you can install the CDN Enabler plugin to do the same. But it’s highly recommended to use a cache plugin in WordPress.

BunnyCDN can give pretty good results with the default settings. But there are a few settings that can give more.

Force SSL

Force SSL so that it will automatically redirect all non-https requests to https

force ssl

Set Cache Expiration

You can set how long the files will be cached in the browser and their edge server. Set it to 1 year. This will increase cache hit ratio and decrease load to your origin server.

image 4

Enable Dynamic WebP support

If your server can send WebP images conditionally based on the browser, you can enable “Browser WebP Support”. This will tell BunnyCDN to deliver separate files for browsers with and without WebP support.

webp support bunny

Add Canonical Headers

Canonical headers tell search engines where is the origin URL for the file. It’s good SEO.

add canonical headers

Enable Bunny Optimizer

Bunny Optimizer will compress images, resize and deliver them as WebP based on the user’s device. This can result in a 50-70% smaller web page size and 2-3x overall speed.

bunny optimizer

Comment below if you’ve any queries or feedback. I read and reply to each of them within 8 hours!

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